Tech World exclusively supplies to Russia automotive components from Korea, Arab Emirates, Italy, Israel and Turkey. Thanks to reliable and consolidated schemes we give you the opportunity to buy wholesale foreign automotive components at a reasonable price with safe and prompt delivery from the manufacturer's country to the warehouse in Russia.

We believe that each client and his business are unique, and we are also sure that their success depends on the suppliers and partners they rely on. Therefore, our company's task is not only to bring the goods on time, but also to meet the commercial and economic needs of our customers.

Our company's headquarters and warehouse are located in Moscow, where all the main functions are concentrated: sales, purchasing, logistics, marketing, accounting, finance and legal department. All this allows us to build a quality team, which we assemble based on years of experience in the automotive field.

We don't limit ourselves working only with experienced employees, because the main goal of our company is to attract young and creative minds, so we invest a lot of energy, money and time into internships for young professionals.

Tech World's main goal is to accept the challenges that the market will offer, because it is the same company name that reminds us that the world of technology is built by people with concrete and innovative ideas.